We are college sophomore students taking up Mass Communication at St. Scholastica's College - Manila. Composed of five pretty teenyboppers namely, Laiza, Mars, Yin, NiƱa, and Lloyd.

Friday, August 5, 2011

What are the importance of independent films?

           Independent films, as what I have observed, shows the realities happening in the present situaations of today and makes us realize what we have to value in life's challenges as Filipinos. 

           It shows our culture and nationhood in the film itself. We should be proud of what our origin or root is because this is what makes us as a citizen. Indie films show freedom in media. Mainstream can learn characteristics of a good influence in mass communication just like the indie films. (Allaiza Jasmin Tagle) 


          The 15th Philippine Academic Book Fair launched on July 12-16, 2011 in SM Megamall. 


            There are several books useful for school use in different fields mostly in the tertiary level. From St. Scholastica's College - Manila, we rode LRT bound for EDSA and then, rode MRT bound for Ortigas. As a group, we went there. First, because of our exhaustedness and restlessness, we immediately ran to McDonald's fast food to eat. Besides eating, we had a conversation regarding the book fair. When we arrived  in the book fair, we had to fill up a form before entering. Professor Abanto from the Mass Communication Department is also there because it was the opening when we came there - July 12, 2011.

Ticket for the Book Fair

            For us, it's like a toy store selling amazing toys which wants us to buy thema all. Because of the expensive prices, unfortunately, I decided to come up in not buying any book. We are just like window-shopping in there. Haha!

           It was such an adventurous day for us. Having the opportunity to visit the book fair makes us feel glad. Prof Abanto managed to search from rack-to rack in order to come up with a list of books for library recommendation for the use of MassComm students.

(c) Quinlin Roxas

          After that awesome tour, we did have a spare time so we stroll around the mall. We hung out there and also window-shopped again to the variety of stores even though we knew that we have no budget to buy what we wanted. Haha. :))


          The opening of Cinemalaya was very much awaited by a lot of people. It was held in the Cultural Center of the Philippines last July 15-24, 2011.

(c) Google Images

           During the opening, we have seen the tuned celebrities in showbiz who are Gretchen Barretto, actress, and Laurice Guillen, director. Laurice Guillen is one of the critiques to judge the entries competing in Cinemalaya. She introduced the films and directors during that day. And also, for the opening film, her work, "Maskara" was shown. 

(c) Google Images

            After the opening film of the 7th Cinemalaya film festival, the film was we;;-applauded by the audience. Proving that the film was very well directed by the director, Laurice Guillen. Being a first timer in the event, it has been added to my knowledge that in Cinemalaya, when the audience are happy of the film, they should applaud rather than make loud cheers.

Gretchen Barretto in white

 Opening flyer

Free admission to the opening film

Blogged by: Laiza

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Magazine Stands

            Magazine stands are almost everywhere. It is very accessible to almost everybody. As I have observed, almost every rack I see from day-to-day basis, pornographic magazines are being sold like FHM, Cosmopolitan, PlayBoy, etc. And I think that the vendors do not care what an individual has bought from their magazine stand. What if the individual is not yet suitable to buy those kinds of magazine? Who should take the responsibility

              The most magazines being sold are for the teenage readers, and for those food critiques or the people who love to cook.
              The most unique magazines are placed on the bottom parts of the magazine stands because of the fact that readers don't really recognize other magazines which aren't that famous.

Blogged by: Laiza

Cinemalaya Experience

July is the month when the Cultural Center of the Philippines is jampacked with moviegoers. It is mainly because of the Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. It is a week-long celebration of Philippine Independent Film Cinema. It is a week where we can watch films from different genres created by Filipino filmmakers.

Actually, it's my first time to watch an Independent Film, just like of all the first timer, I'm so excited. 
The Opening of Cinemalaya will be open at 6:00PM, but because of the excitement, I was already there at 3:00PM with my friend. Isn't obvious that I'm so excited? Hahahah! 

That experience is so memorable for me, I've seen so many artists, yes! Artists! Feeling ko nga isa rin ako sa artista. Hahaha!. My friend asked,"Lloyd! Okay pala dito, kahit hindi sikat na artista pwedeng maging sikat dahil sa Cinemalaya." And that's true. And  ofcourse, the things that I've learned, the things that I have seen, and the memories that I can treasure and share for the other people. That's the best memory and experience for me as a Mass Communication student.


Academic Book Fair

The academic book fair was held last July 12-16, 2011 at the Megatrade Hall 3, SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City. The event featured academic books, journals, references, and other educational materials. I thought the event will focus only on books since it is called "book" fair but I was surprised when I saw educational videos and audio materials. Students, teachers, librarians, independent publishers, representatives, and working adults were the most expected guests.

We went there July 16, Saturday and we expect to see many people there knowing it is the last day already. But the staff there said many people came during the opening.
This event gave us the opportunity to avail and purchase books that we can use in our studies and other necessities. Unfortunately, the books are expensive so we weren't able to buy one.

 This was taken by the people from book fair. We told them that it is our project and luckily, they are very willing to take picture of us.

This was taken by Tins. We are looking for Mass Com books.

The academic book fair help us know some of the most established book companies such as Academic Book Sales, Catholic Book Center, Goodwill Bookstore, UST Publishing House, UP Press and Ateneo University Press. I wish there was also St. Scholastica Press. :)

I learned that there are a lot of books all over the world aside from we always see, what we always use and what we always know. Book fair will always be important to us students because this is the time where we can see, read and avail books that are limited only.


Cinemalaya expeience

I've always seen Cinemalaya in televisions and newspapers but I never thought that attending the event would be so fun. It was my first time to witness this kind of event, and yes, I can say that it is pretty amazing and memorable. First because it was my first time to enter CCP building. I've only seen the structure outside and I was happy to see what's inside it. There's a museum, a library, a theater and a lot more inside. The place is very educational. Second, during the event, I saw many actors and actresses, including film makers and producers. As a masscom student, I believe that it is important to be present in this kind of event, knowing that we will learn a lot from it. Third, the movies in Cinemalaya served as an eye-opener for us students not just because we've seen how great our independent film makers are, but also because it opened our eyes to reality. Cinemalaya movies gave us an idea on what is happening around us, and it gave us knowledge that there is more about what we've seen and what we are currently seeing in our country.

The movie I've seen is Ligo na U, Lapit na Me by Erick Salud. After watching the movie, I came to the realization that our very own movies are also great, but I'm not saying all of our movies (laughs). It is not my first time to see a Cinemalaya movie because I've seen some before. But this time, I was shocked. Some scenes are not good for the children. But I think, that's the reason why it is called cineMALAYA. Meaning, the directors are free to do what they want, and to show what they think is good for their film even though it will include nudity.

As an overall experience, I can say that I had a blast. I know that someday, I can use the insights I've learned from Cinemalaya. Aside from learning, I also had fun and I must say that I am super willing to attend this event again next time even though it will no longer be required.

Here are some of our pictures. Credits to the owners of the photos.

With the actors from the movie Cuchera.

- Nina :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Okay. So first of all, the Cinemalaya thing was a blast! It was my first time to attend in this kind of event and I want to do it all over again. I am a 100% movie lover.... of Hollywood movies. But because of Cinemalaya, it came to my realizations that Filipino movies are the best. Not because of the special effects or what but it is because of the creativity I saw from the movie.

The creativity that I am talking about is the one I saw from "ligo na u, lapit na me" movie. This movie is like the ones in, The Diary of a Wimpy Kid but this movie, ligo na u lapit na me, is better.

So there, we rode a cab in going to Cinemalaya and we were late when we arrived there because we cannot find any good area for there were so many people. So we decided to take pictures instead of watching those programs.

Here are some of the pictures...


The "EXPERIENCE" (Philippine Academic Book Fair)

The "experience" was amazing! Amazing for me because of two reasons:

I am not a train rider so I don't know the feeling of "gitgitan", "tulakan", "walang hingahan", etc. But I felt it on our way to MegaMall.

My relationship with my blockmates from the 102A, developed because of this. :)

Okay, So when we rode the LRT1, I felt the "experience" of the train riders. It was rush hour so we were so unlucky but we have to bear with it for the sake of PMC! ☺.
When we arrived at Sm Mega Mall, we passed by McDonald's so tadaaa! we ate there....

Quinlin & Me with all of the foods that we ate. Yummy! :P~

After eating... Finally! Philippine Academic Book Fair, nice to meet you. :D


We did the signing up things... then when we entered, we saw this Professor from MassComm department. Unluckily, I forgot her name. :))

We saw a lot of books. Mostly academic. Obviously that is why the event was called "Philippine Academic Book Fair". So there.. This picture was taken by Rhoze and I want this to be an example of what books to find there.

The books were all good but they were so expensive. It's like, Are these books made from gold or something? So what we did was we just went around then went home. :P